GigaVision: Gigapixel Visual Intelligence - Long-range Trajectory Prediction in Complex Scenes
面向国际首个十亿像素级复杂场景数据集PANDA, 面向全球征集复杂场景长程轨迹预测算法, 推动十亿像素视觉智能技术发展, 引领公共安全、智慧城市、无人系统等产业变革。


PANDA, the first gigapixel-level complex scene dataset, is open to the world to solicit long-range trajectory prediction algorithms for complex scenes so as to promote the development of gigapixel visual intelligence technology and to facilitate the transformation of industries such as public security, smart city, unmanned systems, and so on.

Proposed by Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence and GigaVision Challenge Organizing Committee